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2020-03-26 10:53:45  来源:网络整理

期中资料→ 初一-初三年级上学期期中试卷免费领取

综合资料→ 小初高开学/月考/单元卷等资料免费领






  14 宋庆龄的执著

  宋庆龄自 1913 年开始追随孙中山,致力于中国革命事业,谋求中华民族独立解放。在近 70 年的漫长岁月里,经过护法运动(1917 年)、国民大革命(1924 -1927 年)、国共对立十年(1927-1937 年)、抗日战争(1937-1945 年)、解放战争(1945-1949 年),她始终忠贞不渝地坚持孙中山的革命主张,坚定地和中国人民站在一起,为祖国的繁荣富强和人民生活的美满幸福而殚精竭虑,英勇奋斗,在中国现代历史上,谱写了光辉的篇章。宋庆龄因此被誉为 20 世纪较伟大的女性之一。




  15 严复的担忧

  1912 年严复担任北大校长之职,此时严复的中西文化比较观走向成熟,开始进入自身反省阶段,趋向对传统文化的复归。他担忧中国丧失本民族的“国种特性”,他认为会“如鱼之离水而处空,如蹩跛者之挟拐以行,如短于精神者之恃鸦片为发越,此谓之失其本性”,而“失其本性未能有久存者也”。出于这样一种对中华民族前途与命运的忧虑,严复曾经试图将北京大学的文科与经学合二为一,完全用来治旧学,“用以保持吾国四五千载圣圣相传之纲纪,彝伦道德文章于不坠”。这一行为在当时称得上用心良苦。




  16 张伯苓的理想





  17 于右任的临终诗

  国民党元老于右任临终前有诗《望大陆》云:“葬我于高山之上兮,望我故乡;故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。葬我于高山之上兮,望我大陆;大陆不可见兮,只有痛哭。天苍苍,野茫茫;山之上,国有殇!”诗作于 1964 年公开发表,立刻打动了无数中国人的心。




  18 李宗仁的民族情

  1955 年,李宗仁在美国公开提出反对“台湾托管”和“台湾独立”,主张国共再度和谈,由中国人自己解决中国的事情。1965 年 7 月,在周恩来总理亲自安排下,李宗仁冲破美国联邦调查局的干扰,摆脱国民党特务机关的暗杀,毅然返回祖国,他声明:“期望追随我全国人民之后,参加社会主义建设,并欲对一切有关爱国反帝事业有所贡献。”他还希望留在台湾的国民党人,凛于民族大义,毅然回到祖国怀抱,为完成国家较后统一做出贡献。




  19 肖邦的遗愿

  1830 年 11 月,费列德利克·肖邦(波兰作曲家、钢琴家)决定到外国深造,为祖国争光。出发前,朋友们为他举行了一个送别晚会。肖邦满怀感激之情,接受了朋友们赠送的装满祖国泥土的银杯,表示永远不会忘记可爱的祖国。 肖邦辗转于维也纳、伦敦、巴黎等地,通过他的艺术活动,增进西欧人民对当时正在受难的波兰人民的同情和了解。可是,在辗转流离的生活中,他得了重病。 1849年秋天,肖邦临终时告诉从华沙赶来的姐姐,波兰反动政府是不会允许把他的遗体运回华沙的,他要求至少把他的心脏带回去。肖邦的心脏,按照他的遗愿被送到华沙,埋葬在曾哺育他成长的祖国大地中。




  20 华罗庚立志回国





  21 瞿秋白的风趣

  20 世纪 20 年代初,郑振铎在上海结婚,新娘为商务印书馆元老高梦旦之女高君箴。婚礼采用当时较为时髦的“文明结婚”仪式。按仪礼规定,结婚人的双方家长,均须在结婚证书上加盖私章,以昭信守。婚礼前日,郑振铎才想起他母亲还没有印章,于是去信请瞿秋白代刻一方应急。当天收到瞿秋白的回信,并无信笺,只一张“秋白篆刻润格”,内言:“石章每字二元,一周取件。限日急件,润格加倍。边款不计字数,概收二元。牙章、晶章、铜章另议。”郑振铎一见,以为这是瞿秋白事忙不能代刻的托辞,乃另请人急刻一方备用。次日上午,婚礼即将开始之际,有人送大红喜包一件,上书:“振铎先生君箴女士结婚志喜,贺仪五十元。瞿秋白。”喜包内并无现金或礼券,乃是三方田石印章。一方是郑老夫人的;其余为新郎新娘各一方。郑老夫人是单章稍大,新郎新娘的两方合成一对,边款分刻“长乐”二字,祝贺新人长乐永康,白头偕老。郑振铎与高君箴皆为福建长乐县人,取意双关。三章均玲珑雅致,主人把玩欣赏之后,才悟出所书“贺仪五十元”之缘由。原来三章共刻 12 字,润格应为 24 元;急件加倍,则为48 元;边款 2 元,故曰“贺仪五十元”。瞿秋白这一出人意料之趣举,给郑高二人之婚礼增添了特别的喜庆气氛,一时传为佳话。







  Welcome to the unit

  1. take/have a rest休息

  2.wake me/him up叫醒我/他 (代词宾格放中间)

  3.plan to travel around China打算环游中国

  4.wonderful places to go(不定式做后置定语)可去的好地方

  5.a kind of traditional Chinese art一种传统的中国艺术



  1. the Capital of… …的首都

  2. .in the middle of… 在……中间

  3. used to live there过去住那儿

  4. turn…into把……变成

  be turned into… 被变成

  5.watch the raising of the national flag看升旗

  6.a large Chinese garden set in a natural landscape以自然风景为背景的大型中国园林

  7.a nice place for emperors to spend the summer供皇帝们度假的好地方

  8.another famous attraction另一个有名的景区

  9. every few hundred metres每隔几百米

  10.stand in different shapes以不同的形状耸立

  11.lie on/in/to位于(接壤/包含/分离)

  12.in southern China=in the south of China在中国的南部

  13.take a boat trip乘船旅行

  14.hire a bicycle租自行车



  1.take up占用,占据

  2.three quarters of… ……的四分之三

  3.row a boat划船

  4.a 17-hole bridge一座17孔桥

  5.on either side of it =on both sides of it =on each side of it在两边

  6.be wellworth visiting=be well worth a visit=be well worth going to非常值得参观

  7.on a sunny day在晴朗的一天

  8.arrive in Shanghai=reach Shanghai=get to Shanghai到达上海

  get to our hotel

  9.public transport公关交通

  10.interesting places有趣的地方/ places of interest名胜


  Integrated Skills

  1.an ancient city of culture文化古城

  2.take a tour of… 在…旅行

  3.leave for… 出发去…

  4.five million people五百万人millions of people数百万人



  1.as a second language作为第二语言

  2.iron and steel industry钢铁业

  3.communicate with the local people与当地人交流

  4.its capital city它的首都城市



  1.Its tiring to climb the steps, and my feethurt.

  2.With wonderful buildings and art treasuresinside, itis wellworth a visit..

  3.Many tourists like to gather thereearly to watch the raising the national flag.

  4.Itruns for over 6000 kilometresacross northern China,with watchtowers every few hundred metres.

  5.East or west, Guilin landscape is best.

  6.Itlies on the two sides of the Lijiang River.

  7.In this underground cave,it isamazing thatthere areso many rocks in unusual shapes—somehang down, and otherspoint upwards.

  8.The caveis praised as the‘Art Palace of Nature’.

  9.As an old saying goes,’’He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.’

  10.Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge.

  11.There are many stone lionson either side ofit.

  12.Japan is the second country we are going to visit in Asia.


  Welcome to the unit

  1. take/have a rest休息

  2.wake me/him up叫醒我/他 (代词宾格放中间)

  3.plan to travel around China打算环游中国

  4.wonderful places to go(不定式做后置定语)可去的好地方

  5.a kind of traditional Chinese art一种传统的中国艺术



  1. the Capital of… …的首都

  2. .in the middle of… 在……中间

  3. used to live there过去住那儿

  4. turn…into把……变成

  be turned into… 被变成

  5.watch the raising of the national flag看升旗

  6.a large Chinese garden set in a natural landscape以自然风景为背景的大型中国园林

  7.a nice place for emperors to spend the summer供皇帝们度假的好地方

  8.another famous attraction另一个有名的景区

  9. every few hundred metres每隔几百米

  10.stand in different shapes以不同的形状耸立

  11.lie on/in/to位于(接壤/包含/分离)

  12.in southern China=in the south of China在中国的南部

  13.take a boat trip乘船旅行

  14.hire a bicycle租自行车



  1.take up占用,占据

  2.three quarters of… ……的四分之三

  3.row a boat划船

  4.a 17-hole bridge一座17孔桥

  5.on either side of it =on both sides of it =on each side of it在两边

  6.be wellworth visiting=be well worth a visit=be well worth going to非常值得参观

  7.on a sunny day在晴朗的一天

  8.arrive in Shanghai=reach Shanghai=get to Shanghai到达上海

  get to our hotel

  9.public transport公关交通

  10.interesting places有趣的地方/ places of interest名胜


  Integrated Skills

  1.an ancient city of culture文化古城

  2.take a tour of… 在…旅行

  3.leave for… 出发去…

  4.five million people五百万人millions of people数百万人



  1.as a second language作为第二语言

  2.iron and steel industry钢铁业

  3.communicate with the local people与当地人交流

  4.its capital city它的首都城市



  1.Its tiring to climb the steps, and my feethurt.

  2.With wonderful buildings and art treasuresinside, itis wellworth a visit..

  3.Many tourists like to gather thereearly to watch the raising the national flag.

  4.Itruns for over 6000 kilometresacross northern China,with watchtowers every few hundred metres.

  5.East or west, Guilin landscape is best.

  6.Itlies on the two sides of the Lijiang River.

  7.In this underground cave,it isamazing thatthere areso many rocks in unusual shapes—somehang down, and otherspoint upwards.

  8.The caveis praised as the‘Art Palace of Nature’.

  9.As an old saying goes,’’He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.’

  10.Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge.

  11.There are many stone lionson either side ofit.

  12.Japan is the second country we are going to visit in Asia.


  Welcome to the unit

  1. take/have a rest休息

  2.wake me/him up叫醒我/他 (代词宾格放中间)

  3.plan to travel around China打算环游中国

  4.wonderful places to go(不定式做后置定语)可去的好地方

  5.a kind of traditional Chinese art一种传统的中国艺术



  1. the Capital of… …的首都

  2. .in the middle of… 在……中间

  3. used to live there过去住那儿

  4. turn…into把……变成

  be turned into… 被变成

  5.watch the raising of the national flag看升旗

  6.a large Chinese garden set in a natural landscape以自然风景为背景的大型中国园林

  7.a nice place for emperors to spend the summer供皇帝们度假的好地方

  8.another famous attraction另一个有名的景区

  9. every few hundred metres每隔几百米

  10.stand in different shapes以不同的形状耸立

  11.lie on/in/to位于(接壤/包含/分离)

  12.in southern China=in the south of China在中国的南部

  13.take a boat trip乘船旅行

  14.hire a bicycle租自行车



  1.take up占用,占据

  2.three quarters of… ……的四分之三

  3.row a boat划船

  4.a 17-hole bridge一座17孔桥

  5.on either side of it =on both sides of it =on each side of it在两边

  6.be wellworth visiting=be well worth a visit=be well worth going to非常值得参观

  7.on a sunny day在晴朗的一天

  8.arrive in Shanghai=reach Shanghai=get to Shanghai到达上海

  get to our hotel

  9.public transport公关交通

  10.interesting places有趣的地方/ places of interest名胜


  Integrated Skills

  1.an ancient city of culture文化古城

  2.take a tour of… 在…旅行

  3.leave for… 出发去…

  4.five million people五百万人millions of people数百万人



  1.as a second language作为第二语言

  2.iron and steel industry钢铁业

  3.communicate with the local people与当地人交流

  4.its capital city它的首都城市



  1.Its tiring to climb the steps, and my feethurt.

  2.With wonderful buildings and art treasuresinside, itis wellworth a visit..

  3.Many tourists like to gather thereearly to watch the raising the national flag.

  4.Itruns for over 6000 kilometresacross northern China,with watchtowers every few hundred metres.

  5.East or west, Guilin landscape is best.

  6.Itlies on the two sides of the Lijiang River.

  7.In this underground cave,it isamazing thatthere areso many rocks in unusual shapes—somehang down, and otherspoint upwards.

  8.The caveis praised as the‘Art Palace of Nature’.

  9.As an old saying goes,’’He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.’

  10.Across the lake is a 17-hole bridge.

  11.There are many stone lionson either side ofit.

  12.Japan is the second country we are going to visit in Asia.

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